К основному контенту

Czech taxi

If you’re specifically looking for information about a taxi service called «Czech Taxi,» it’s worth noting that «Czech Taxi» might not be a specific company name, but rather a general term referring to taxi services operating in the Czech Republic. However, if there is indeed a taxi company with that name, it’s possible that it’s a smaller or local service.

Order a taxi or transfer by filling out the form or by phone +420 773 477 799 Viber, WhatsApp.

Taxi pricе  from Prague to the Airport

4 people from 32 euros/ 800 czk/ 27 £
8 people from 43 euros/ 1100 czk/ 37 £

Taxi price from Prague to Karlovy Vary

4 people from 130 euros/ 3250 czk/ 110 £
8 people from 150 euros/ 3750 czk/ 127 £

Transfer from Prague to Karlovy Vary plus 4 hours waiting time and return transfer

4 people from 170 euros/ 4250 czk/ 144 £
8 people from 200 euros/ 3750 czk/  169£

Transfer from Prague to Cesky Krumlov plus 4 hours waiting time and return transfer

4 people from 200 euros/ 5000 czk/ 169 £
8 people from 250 euros/ 6250 czk/  211£

Transfer from Prague to Dresden plus 4 hours waiting time and return transfer

4 people from 250 euros/ 6250 czk/ 211 £
8 people from 270 euros/ 6750 czk/  228£




Tips for ordering a transfer in the Czech Republic

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to write or call us, we will respond immediately.

Or via the form in the Contacts section [/frame] [/one_third_last]

taxi prague

taxi prague

To find specific information about a taxi company named «Czech Taxi,» you might consider the following steps:

1. **Online Search**: Try conducting an online search using keywords like «Czech Taxi» or «taxi companies in the Czech Republic.» This might lead you to their official website, contact information, or reviews from customers.

2. **Local Directories**: Check local directories or listings in the Czech Republic. These might include online platforms, business directories, or tourist guides that provide information about taxi services in different cities.

3. **Ask Locals or Hotels**: If you’re already in the Czech Republic, asking locals or staff at your hotel for recommendations can be helpful. They might be familiar with reputable taxi companies in the area.

4. **Taxi Apps**: Consider using taxi-hailing apps commonly used in the Czech Republic. While «Czech Taxi» might not be a specific company, there are likely other established taxi services available through these apps.

5. **Social Media**: Some taxi companies maintain a presence on social media platforms. You might find information about «Czech Taxi» or similar services through their social media profiles.

Once you find information about the specific taxi service you’re interested in, you can learn more about their services, coverage areas, rates, and any other relevant details. Always ensure to verify that the taxi service you choose is reputable and licensed for your safety and peace of mind.

To order a taxi in the Czech Republic, you have a few options:

1. **Taxi Stand**: If you’re in a busy area like a train station, airport, or city center, you can usually find taxi stands where taxis queue up to pick up passengers. You can simply approach one of the taxis waiting there and request a ride.

2. **Hailing**: In many parts of cities and towns, you can flag down a passing taxi by raising your hand. If the taxi is available, it will stop to pick you up.

3. **Taxi Apps**: Several taxi-hailing apps operate in the Czech Republic, making it easy to book a taxi using your smartphone. Examples include Liftago, Uber, and Bolt. You can download one of these apps, set up an account, and request a ride to your location. These apps often provide fare estimates, driver details, and the option to pay electronically.

4. **Phone Call**: If you prefer to order a taxi by phone, you can look up the contact information for local taxi companies and call to request a ride. Many taxi companies in the Czech Republic offer phone booking services, and their operators often speak English.

When ordering a taxi, make sure to provide your location, destination, and any other relevant details to the driver or dispatcher. Confirm the estimated fare and payment method before starting your journey. Additionally, ensure that you’re using a licensed taxi service for safety and reliability.



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