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Call a taxi in Prague

To call a CZtransfer taxi in Prague or Karlovy Vary, you have several options, depending on your location and available services in the Czech Republic. Here are the general steps:

1. Use the taxi mobile app:

Download and install the taxi mobile application on your smartphone. Popular taxi services in Prague and Karlovy Vary are Uber, Bolt, CZtransfer.

Open the app and enter the location you need to be picked up from and your destination.

Confirm your order and you will be shown information about the driver, including his name, photo and car details.

At the end of your trip, payment will be automatically charged to your credit card or you will be given a choice of different payment methods, depending on the application.

2. Order a CZtransfer taxi by phone:

Call   +420 773 477 799 viber, whatsapp CZtransfer taxi service and tell them your address and destination.

The taxi operator in Prague will tell you the expected waiting time and information about the car.

The taxi driver will come to you at the specified address.

3. Get a taxi on the street:

If you are in an area with heavy taxi traffic, you can raise your hand to hail a taxi passing by.

As soon as the taxi stops, tell the driver your destination.

4. Use the taxi stand:

Large cities and airports often have dedicated taxi stands. You can approach them and order a taxi from official operators.

taxi prague

taxi prague

Remember that depending on your region and taxi service in Prague, there are also different options available, such as different types of cars and price categories. Be careful when using taxis and make sure you use a licensed and reliable service.

Taxi CZtransfer is a passenger transport service provided by professional drivers, with which people can move around the city or between different places.

When boarding a taxi in Prague, the passenger must indicate to the driver the destination or address where he wants to go. The price of the trip can be determined by the taxi meter, depending on the distance and time of travel, or can be pre-agreed in case of ordering a taxi in advance or by agreement.

It is important to ensure that the taxi you use is licensed and reputable. It is also worth checking whether the taxi has a fixed price or tariffs to avoid misunderstandings and unexpected additional costs.

In cities in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria and Italy, alternative taxi services are also available, such as car sharing or chauffeured passenger services from the company CZtransfer.

In general, a taxi from CZtransfer is a convenient way to travel around Prague, especially when you need to quickly get to your destination or there is no access to other types of public transport.

Do not be shy! Write! We will definitely agree even on non-standard solutions.

taxi prague

taxi prague

The history of the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, goes back more than 1,000 years. The city was founded in the 9th century and since then has been the center of political, cultural and economic life in the Czech Republic.

In the Middle Ages, Prague was one of the most important cities of the Holy Roman Empire. In the 14th century, it was ruled by kings from the Luxembourg dynasty, including the famous Emperor Charles IV, who turned Prague into a magnificent center with many architectural and cultural attractions.

In the 15th century, Prague became involved in the Hussite Wars, an important period of religious and political struggles in the Czech Republic. In the 16th century, the city became a center of the Protestant Reformation and was later conquered by the troops of Emperor Ferdinand II during the Thirty Years’ War.

In 1918, after the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Prague became the capital of Czechoslovakia. During the period between the two world wars, the city developed as the cultural and intellectual center of Europe. However, after the occupation of Czechoslovakia by Nazi Germany in 1939, Prague came under the control of Nazi authorities.

After World War II and the creation of communist Czechoslovakia, Prague became the capital of a socialist state. In 1989, the Velveteen Revolution took place in Prague, a peaceful coup that led to the fall of the communist regime and the restoration of democracy in Czechoslovakia.

After the division of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia in 1993, Prague became the capital of the independent Czech Republic. Today, Prague is a popular tourist destination with its historical architecture, castles, museums and rich cultural heritage.




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