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Taxi from Prague to Karlovy Vary

If you need a transfer to any city in the Czech Republic or Europe, then the international company “CZTRANSFER” will be happy to provide it for you. We meet you at the nearest airports and, under conditions that are convenient in all plans, we take you to the place you need. We have transfer Prague — Karlovy Vary, Prague — Marianske Lazne, transfer Prague — Dresden, transfer Prague — Munich, transfer Prague — Vienna, transfer Prague — Berlin. Send your request in the order form, we will call you and confirm the transfer. price for your transfer We have cars of different classes, as well as minivans and large buses. After arriving at the airport, you will not need to look for a car yourself, because our driver will meet you at the customs terminal. For clarity, he will be holding a sign with your name on it. This service is free.

Order a taxi or transfer by filling out the form or by phone +420 773 477 799 Viber, WhatsApp.

Taxi price from Prague to Karlovy Vary
4 people from 110 euros
6 people from 150 euros

taxi prague

taxi prague

How to travel from Karlovy Vary to Prague?

All types of transport Karlovy Vary — Prague
For a trip from Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic) to Prague (Czech Republic) over a distance of 112 km, you can rent 2 types of transport or a combination of road train and / or bus, depending on which the duration of the trip will differ significantly,
Bus Karlovy Vary — Prague
You’re in luck, there is a direct bus line from Karlovy Vary to Prague, often the most economical solution.
You will take the FlixBus Karlovy Vary, the bus will take you to the UAN Florenc Praha bus station (Prague) (1.5 km from Prague, Czech Republic). Please go to the Karlovy Vary bus station (Terminal) (0.6 km from Karlovy Vary) no later than 15 minutes before departure time from Prague.

Karlovy vary

Karlovy vary

What does almost every guest of Prague need?

After a tiring flight, most of us want to relax by getting to the hotel as soon as possible. The search for transport to get there usually ends in the square in front of the airport, which is filled with private and branded taxis. Communication with taxi drivers of a foreign country is not always pleasant; they often do not even know English, and are prone to inflating prices for their services, and even fraud against guests of their country who do not know the city and local customs.
In the Czech Republic in general, and Prague in particular, this is exactly the case. Street taxi drivers will offer to take you anywhere in the Czech Republic, even to Karlovy Vary or even to Austrian Vienna, but the price will be 2 times higher than the actual cost of the trip and the services of large transfer companies.

How can an ordinary tourist planning to visit Prague solve the problem of transport from the airport to the hotel?

With a few mouse clicks or phone calls, you can order a Prague airport transfer service to the city itself, or to any other city in the Czech Republic or Europe — Vienna, Karlovy Vary, Berlin, and even Paris.

transfer karlovy vary

transfer karlovy vary

What is a transfer service?

By the time of your arrival in Prague, a car with a driver will be brought to the airport, who will meet you with a sign, help you pick up your things and carry them to the car, and then take you to a pre-agreed place — a hotel, a resort in Karlovy Vary, Vienna, or any other Czech or European city. You can order a transfer in Prague by phone, email, or by filling out a form on the website. An important advantage of a transfer over local taxis is that its price is fixed, known in advance, and you can pay for it either in cash on the spot or in advance using a credit card.

By ordering a transfer in the Czech Republic or Prague from the airport, you will save your time and money too — our company, which provides transfer services to Prague and the Czech Republic, is interested in high-quality service for its clients so that they will use our services more than once, unlike Prague taxi drivers who believe that “you never meet the same tourist twice” and that “there are enough tourists for everyone.” As a result, by ordering a transfer from Prague airport to your hotel, Karlovy Vary, Vienna, or another city, you will save yourself from hassle, unforeseen financial expenses and loss of time, which will make your vacation even more enjoyable.


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