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Taxi from Prague to Český Šternberk (castle)

Distance from Prague to Český Šternberk

The distance from Prague to Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is approximately 56 kilometers  by road. The exact distance may vary depending on the specific route and mode of transportation.

cesky sternberk

cesky sternberk

The road from Prague to Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is located in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The most direct route is to take the D1 highway from Prague towards Brno and exit at Humpolec, then follow the signs to Český Šternberk. Alternatively, you can take the E50 and E65 highways towards Kutná Hora, and then follow the signs to Český Šternberk. The specific roads you will take may depend on your starting location in Prague and the mode of transportation you choose.

There are a few options for getting from Prague to Český Šternberk

By car: You can rent a car with a driver or order a taxi from the Garsia tour company by calling +420 773 477 799 viber whatsapp, you can also order a Prague taxi by filling out an application on the Garsia tour website. When ordering a taxi or a transfer with waiting – you get quality services, the lowest prices, a clean and spacious car with a professional driver. If desired, the Garsia tour company will provide an individual guide in Prague in Cesky Sternberk. The journey takes about 1 hour and the most direct route is on the D1 highway.



Prague to Český Šternberk taxi fare

Prague -Cesky Sternberk

1-4 passengers

Saloon car

5-8 pasengers


> 8 passengers

Tourist bus

From Prague Airport 1050 CZK 1550 CZK Upon request
From Prague City Centre 1000 CZK 1500 CZK Upon request

By Train: You can take a train from Prague’s main railway station Praha hlavní nádraží to the Český Šternberk railway station. The journey takes approximately 1 hour 20 minutes and the castle is about 1.5 kilometers from the station.

By bus: There are also several buses that run from Prague to Český Šternberk. The journey takes approximately 1 hour 15 minutes and the castle is about 1.5 kilometers from the bus stop.

Regardless of which option you choose, it is recommended that you check current schedules and prices in advance to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey.

History of the czech sternberg castle

Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is a medieval castle located in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic. The castle was built in the mid-13th century by Zdeslav of Divice, a member of the aristocratic Sternberg family, who were among the most powerful families in the Czech Republic at the time.

Over the centuries, the castle underwent numerous renovations and changes, reflecting the different architectural styles and tastes of the various owners. The castle was expanded in the 15th century by the Sternbergs and again in the 16th century by the Pernsteins. In the 18th century, the castle underwent a major reconstruction, which gave it its current appearance.

cesky sternberk

cesky sternberk

During the World War II, the castle was occupied by German forces, who used it as a base for their operations in the area. After the war, the castle was confiscated by the Czechoslovakian government and later converted into a museum.

Today, Český Šternberk Castle is a popular tourist attraction, known for its stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and rich history. Visitors can explore the castle’s many rooms and halls, which are filled with period furnishings and art, and enjoy sweeping views of the surrounding countryside from the castle’s towers and battlements.

Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is no longer inhabited by the Sternberg family, who originally built and owned the castle. Instead, the castle is now a museum and cultural center open to the public.

The current owner, Jiří Sternberg, was appointed administrator of the state castle by the National Cultural Commission under the Ministry of Culture. He died in 1965, and in 1992, Český Šternberk Castle was returned to his son Zdenek as part of legal property restitution.

Český Šternberk

Český Šternberk

Sure, here are some interesting facts about Český Šternberk Castle

  1. Český Šternberk Castle is one of the oldest and best-preserved castles in the Czech Republic, dating back to the mid-13th century.
  2. The castle is located on a hill overlooking the Sázava River and offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  3. The castle is named after the Sternberg family, who built and owned the castle for several centuries.
  4. Český Šternberk Castle has been used as a filming location for several movies and TV shows, including the 2013 film “The Physician.”
  5. The castle is home to a number of interesting artifacts and works of art, including a rare collection of 16th-century Flemish tapestries.
  6. The castle’s chapel, which dates back to the 15th century, is known for its beautiful frescoes and intricate stone carvings.
  7. The castle has survived numerous wars and conflicts over the centuries, including the Thirty Years’ War and World War II.
  8. The castle’s current appearance is the result of a major reconstruction that took place in the 18th century, which transformed the castle into a Baroque-style residence.
  9. Visitors to Český Šternberk Castle can explore the castle’s many rooms and halls, including the Knight’s Hall, the Great Hall, and the Library.
  10. The castle’s gardens, which feature a mix of Baroque and English-style landscaping, are a popular attraction and offer a peaceful retreat from the hustle and bustle of the nearby city of Prague.

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