Taxi from Prague to Český Šternberk (castle)
Distance from Prague to Český Šternberk The distance from Prague to Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is approximately 56 kilometers by road. The exact distance may vary depending on the specific route and mode of transportation. cesky sternberk The road from Prague to Český Šternberk Castle (hrad) is located in the Czech Republic, Central Europe. The most direct route is to take the D1 highway from Prague towards Brno and exit at Humpolec, then follow the signs to Český Šternberk. Alternatively, you can take the E50 and E65 highways towards Kutná Hora, and then follow the signs to Český Šternberk. The specific roads you will take may depend on your starting location in Prague and the mode of transportation you choose. There are a few options for getting from Prague to Český Šternberk By car: You can rent a car with a driver or order a taxi from the Garsia tour company by calling +420 773 477 799 viber whatsapp, you can also order a Prague taxi by filling out an applic...