Karlovy Vary Private Tour + Krusovice Brewery
Karlovy Vary Private Tour + Krusovice Brewery
CZtransfer company offers an individual trip with a guide, as well as a transfer with waiting. A guided tour will cost 170 euros, and a transfer with a waiting time of 5 hours will cost 130 euros for up to 6 people. We can offer an individual excursion from Karlovy Vary to Prague and a transfer with waiting, on the same conditions.

Karlovy Vary is located in the western part of the Czech Republic, 135 kilometers from the capital. The city has become famous all over the world thanks to its unique thermal springs.
Once in Karlovy Vary, you seem to go back many years and again find yourself in a cozy children’s cradle, plunging into an atmosphere of tranquility and absolute security. The city is comfortably located in a narrow wonderful valley and is securely sheltered from the hustle and bustle of the world and everyday problems that have remained somewhere beyond the mountains. The thought does not leave that you are in another, fabulous reality, unhurried and peaceful. It is not surprising that the hot healing springs and the very atmosphere of the city will begin to restore your health and strength.
The city itself is already a phenomenon, and what can we say about hot springs breaking through from the fertile bowels of mother earth. This is a true creation of God for suffering humanity and a unique natural phenomenon, which is an amazing combination of four elements: earth, thermal water, fire and air. There is a legend here that once upon a time a raging fire burst out of the depths here. And the current hot springs are proof of that.
The legend of the geyser, which has come down to us from the Middle Ages, is also popular. The geyser, allegedly, was discovered by King Charles IV, which once again indirectly emphasizes the miraculous rejuvenating properties of medicinal water. It should be noted that the Vrzhidlo geyser is about three hundred years old and nothing in the slightest degree similar to this natural phenomenon exists on the territory of the European continent.

Do not miss the opportunity to enjoy the local beauties. During an individual excursion, a personal guide will tell you many more interesting and sometimes funny stories and legends, for example, about a deer, a dog and a king who fell into a spring, or spa guests who carried chestnuts in their pockets. You will learn how the city got its name and why it is also called a Russian city. As well as entertaining stories about “painful” baths, about the visit of Peter the Great, about the elixir of life and the appearance of the famous Becherovka, about celebrities who visited the resort, about white gold and glass of kings, and much, much more.
Brewer Krusovice
The history of the emergence of Krusovice is very interesting. This amazing Czech beer appeared thanks to the German king and King Rudolf II of Bohemia. He lived in the 16th century. Despite the fact that he did not belong to the descendants of Czech kings, he made Prague his residence. The Czechs have always been famous for their ability to brew beer, but the king, being a big fan of beer, wanted to glorify this land even more. He bought an old brewery near Prague, which by that time was already over four hundred years old. This is how the history of Krušovice began.
The Czech Republic has long secured the status of a beer country, but not everyone drinks beer there. We’ll drop by the Kruszowice factory if most of the group wants to visit. And for those who are against it, we offer to spend time in a cozy tasting room with a cup of coffee or tea and look into the souvenir shop on the territory of Krusovice.
In Karlovy Vary, there is another iconic attraction — the Moser crystal factory.
future founder of the crystal factory, Ludwig Moser, was born in the
19th century and learned the skill of an engraver (by the way, the
glorious history of Becherovka had already lasted 40 years by that
time). By his 25th birthday, he had already gained experience in Prague
and Berlin. In 1886, Moser returned to Karlovy Vary and opened his own
shop with a workshop in the very center of the city. The store has been
owned by the Mosers for 130 years, and the Moser trademark has been
recognized worldwide. Vases and decanters, dishes and goblets in form
and decoration perfectly fit into the then fashion trends. Ludwig Moser
became a respected and influential person in the city, he had 9 children
from 2 marriages. This did not prevent Moser from being a successful
businessman. His products became famous all over the world.
In 1900, a world-class exhibition was held in Paris. Moser presented his new Art Nouveau collection there. It was the same Karlovy Vary glass, decorated with colorful floral motifs, which became a hit at the Moser factory. At the exhibition, Moser was awarded a silver medal, and in 1901 he received the Order of the Sun and the Lion from the Persian Shah Mustafa. Later becomes the supplier of the English King Edward VII. The legendary Moser died in 1916. His sons began to manage the business, and it is still flourishing!
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